Through courses, competitions, and practical experiences, we cultivate students' abilities in ten aspects: morality, intelligence, physical fitness, social skills, aesthetics, planning, communication, technology, internationalization, and employment. This holistic education approach establishes a solid foundation for self-realization.
Unity of Learning and Application, Learning for Application
10 Pillars Education is jointly developed by nine units including the General Education Center, Student Affairs Office, Academic Affairs Office, Career Planning Office, Sports Office, Management College, College of Education and Applied Language Studies, and College of Information, with dozens of teachers collaborating to develop and assess ten competency-based teaching methods. These units conduct rolling reviews and improvements on each competency annually. Additionally, interaction and communication with students are reinforced through various online communities, including the Moodle system and online television station, which provide online courses, supplementary materials, and promotional videos to enhance interaction with students.
10 Pillars Education represents Ming Chuan's innovative endeavor to promote experiential learning for students. The university annually reviews the assessment standards of 10 Pillars Education, convening meetings regularly to invite leaders of each competency to propose improvements and counseling methods for student pass rates. Furthermore, Ming Chuan University strengthens promotion efforts by formulating annual plans for 10 Pillars Education and encouraging advisors and department offices to promote and encourage students to pass the ten fundamental competencies, thereby striving for excellence in 10 Pillars honors.

Diversified cultivation paves the way for a broader future, a key to enhancing personal competitiveness
In order to cultivate students' habits of self-directed learning and increase their motivation to participate in 10 Pillars Education, graduates who pass the 10 Pillars Education assessment will receive a Ten Fundamental Competencies Certificate and a letter of recommendation from the university president for employment. During job interviews, examiners seeing this 10 Pillars Certificate and the recommendation letter from the Ming Chuan University president will undoubtedly leave a favorable impression! Our university has been promoting 10 Pillars Education since the 103rd academic year, with a continuous increase in the number of students participating in and passing the assessment of the ten fundamental competencies. To ensure learning quality, the 10 Pillars assessment has a certain level of difficulty, but the number of participating students has still grown significantly each year. In the 110th academic year, the pass rate for the basic Ten Powers reached 44.42%, a substantial increase compared to 28.25% in the 108th academic year, demonstrating students' efforts and dedication.
In the 2022 National Science Council's undergraduate program, Ming Chuan University ranked fourth nationwide and first among private comprehensive universities with 125 approved projects. It has continuously surpassed the hundred-project mark for nine consecutive years, leading the pack. The remarkable achievements can be attributed to Ming Chuan's progressive professional courses and 10 Pillars Education, which have nurtured a new generation of talents with solid capabilities.